
Sit Down, Stay A Spell

About three months ago I left my job as chief photographer with a group of weekly newspapers in Colorado. The reasons are many, but my primary driving force was a need for change. My vision had become less than I knew it could be and that coupled with a lack of confidence in the direction my career was headed drove me out the door. I am very resolved in my decision and am vigorously pursuing greatness behind the lens - some days are better than others. At least I am doing it my way.

Lately, I have not picked up my cameras as much as used to be normal for me.

I picked them up the other day to make these two images that I really enjoy for simplicity, lines and perhaps even irony. An old car with a fainted and peeling paint job and a weed juiced with life rising from the asphalt is sometimes all I need to push the buttons with purpose.


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