
Slow and Often Belligerent

I got on the roads this morning at about 8 a.m. destined for a downtown job interview scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. I can typically make the drive in about 35 to 45 minutes, depending on how well or poorly fellow motorists are motoring.

Did I mention it snowed last night?


Suffice it to say that my drive was reminiscent of a snail taking a sobriety test after a night of heavy drinking - slow and often belligerent. I finally made it at 10:30 and since my unintentional tardiness threw off the planned timing of various segments of the three-hour interview, I ended up having to split it up into two sessions. I had about three hours to waste in between, so I shot a little picture essay of sorts.


Thanks for the warning


Unnecessary Button


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